Say NO To bullying at school!
Dans le cadre d’un cours d’anglais,et pour faire écho à la journée nationale de lutte contre le harcèlement, les élèves de 3èmeB et C ont travaillé sur ce thème…Voici le fruit de leur travail:
Let’s wear a blue shirt on November 9th, 2023! (national anti-bullying day)
Together against bullying because together we are stronger, together we can make a difference.
It is time to stand up and speak out, to say NO to bullying at school!
Bullying refers to any form of violence to control, to harass, to intimidate, to frighten, to humiliate, to dominate or hurt vulnerable pupils/ pupils who are physically and emotionally different. Pupils who are an easy prey!
It is time to say bullying is unacceptable.
Bullying is now a criminal offence. Last September, Gabriel Attal, the new education minister presented his plan to combat bullying at school (between 800,000 and one million of France’s 12 million pupils are victims of bullying at school every year.) Gabriel Attal said, it is an absolute priority for the next school year! His motto: “100% prevention, 100% detection and 100% reaction”
We (pupils in 3B and 3C) do not want to be bystanders and turn a blind eye to the situation. We want to be upstanders and we want to take position and to take action, we want to report the facts, to denounce and condemn bullying. We want to help the victims.
Our mottos: Be a buddy not a bully / Make noise about bullying!